New Beginnings

Every journey begins with a first step… so here it is….

I am looking forward to learning how to build and edit a blog and a website and hoping to expand my knowledge of how it all works to share it with others who may also be hesitant and cautious in venturing to try something new. I am hoping to learn from all of you as well as help teach each other as well.

My goal is to continue to add bricks to the foundation and be able to someday look back and see what has been built to help recall the challenge of not knowing anything and learning it piece by piece from the beginning. In this way, we find ourselves in many journeys or challenges and then having the knowledge of what has been accomplished will make each of those challenges seem even less insurmountable.

I hope you will join me on this journey so we can all help each other get from where you at – to where you want to be. I am really looking forward to the learning process and making many new friends along the way!

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